CCW Firearms Training Classes For California Concealed Weapons Permits Location: Shingletown, California (Shasta County) Post Shooting Actions and Legal Assistance Considerations SOME RESOURCES FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: Armed Citizen's Legal Defense Network, LLC The Hickey Case (Discussion by ArmedCitizenNetwork.org) (Shasta Defense copy) http://www.armedcitizensnetwork.org/images/stories/journal/Network_2010-9.pdf Hickey’s mind flashes back to a video clip his CCW instructor showed, in whicha Texas police constable is attacked, disarmed and shot by three smaller a drug investigation (see Lunsford murder)." https://youtu.be/Ejy1D1iOYYs?t=2 3 Most Common Post-Shooting Errors DECEMBER 2008 - you have the right to remain silent Ayoob: Courtroom Defenses for Innocent People
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