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When to Draw vs. When to Shoot

Tueller Drill / Reactionary Gap Drill – Range Record

Shooting Positions- photos 

How to Reload your revolver

Holster Draw - Reverse Retention Ready Position

How to Draw and Holster your firearm


Pistol Grip Illustrations - Photos  # 1   # 2

Pistol Grip and Stance  



On Target Articles









The Zimmerman Case:

Zimmerman - Network PDF analysis


Massad Ayoob - a compilation of his Zimmerman trial reports. Bookmark and check back, as there may be future updates.

1. The verdict

2. The "unarmed teen"

3. Who started it

4. The Stand your ground element

5. The gun stuff

6. "What if" vs "what is"

7. Why the jury didn't learn about Trayvon Martin

8. The quantity of injury argument

9. The propaganda factor

10. The semantics

11. Rating the lawyers (defense)

12. Rating the lawyers (prosecution)

13. Angela Corey

14. The judge

15. Talk at the scene, talk on the stand





Links are for discussion purposes. You must consult a trained professional.