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When to Draw vs. When to Shoot

Tueller Drill / Reactionary Gap Drill – Range Record

Shooting Positions- photos

  How to Reload your revolver

How to Draw and Holster your firearm

Holster Draw - Reverse Retention Position

Pistol Grip Illustrations - Photos  # 1   # 2

Pistol Grip and Stance  


On Target Articles

Community service: Shingletown Emergency Radio







CCW Firearms Training Classes

For California Concealed Weapons Permits

Location: Shingletown, California (Shasta County)

Initial Full Course Curriculum

Course Includes:

Introduction and right of self defense / 2A Today DVD.

Safe Gun Handling and Shooting Prelim. Overview

Basics Personal Protection in Home

Firearm Safety

Shooting Positions

Aiming and firing Techniques

Utilizing Cover and Concealment

Gun handling / Reloading/ Clearing Stoppages

Opportunity for Skills Enhancement

Drawing from Holster (Use this guide: 7 Step Presentation ...)

Shooting Preparation Ayoob DVD Stress Fire Series Handgun.

Range Shooting Session #1 (including drawing from strong side holster ....)

Levels of Tactical Competence

Dry Firing Exercises

Defensive Shooting Concepts

Basic Defensive Shooting Skills (review)

Dry Fire Shooting Exercises .... Tueller Drill .......

Color Code of Mental Awareness and Combat Mindset

Moral and Ethical Decision Making in Use of Deadly Force

California Law on Deadly Force (AG Handout and Jury Instructions on Self Defense)

Use of Deadly Force - Ayoob Judicious Use of Deadly Force DVD

Self Defense Situations you should prepare for

Shoot - don’t shoot judgment scenarios

Range Shooting Session #2

Equipment Selection Suggested Reading: Before purchasing that defensive handgun - consider FIT.

     Course of fire is active. This is not a target shooting course. You will be aggressively using your firearm. Thus, you will find out early in the course whether the firearm you brought with you actually fits YOU in real life defensive combat simulated situations. You will be drawing from a strong side holster, firing, reloading during courses of fire, clearing malfunctions, moving off the line of attack, shooting at close quarters defensive combat distances (including, physical contact with "attacker"), shooting to your side, shooting to your rear,  etc... . However, if a student has physical limitations that is fine. I will work with you in this regard. Thus, a particular student's physical constraints will be taken into account so that you don't exceed your actual physical limitations (you need to tell me about them), or a student's actual shooting ability, as observed at the range. 

Physio-psychological Aspects Violent Encounters

Self Defense Myth Clarifications

After a shooting

Common Misconceptions that can get you killed

California Law on Concealed Carry

Some Pending Legislation

Shasta County CCW Matters


-The Hickey Case (Discussion by

-Video - Why train from the holster (Front Sight)